Monday, January 17, 2011

Star Compliments

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

My Kindergartener was Star of the Week last week. This special designation entitled him to fill out a “My favorites” sheet, bring 5 pictures to share with the class, choose his center choice first, sit in a gold chair at carpet time, bring a special show-and-tell on Friday, and…. The epitome of Star-of-the-Week-dom – have the teacher trace his body on a large sheet of paper and receive a compliment from each child in the class, which the teacher writes on the paper.

I was there for the receiving of the compliments and he was SO PROUD!! He also acted a little embarrassed. Humility is nothing without a little shame. Anyway, here is his list of compliments as compiled by his Kindergarten class:

1. He is kind and runs really fast on the playground.

2. He plays nicely with me when we play Power Rangers.

3. I like the color of his hair.

4. He’s a very good friend.

5. He gives a lot of effort.

6. He plays nicely with me when we are playing Star Wars.

7. He is a fabulous friend.

8. He’s kind.

9. I like his eye color.

10. He’s really nice to people.

11. He’s really good at drawing.

12. He’s a very good hand writer.

13. He has enthusiasm (a robust vocabulary word)!

14. He is a very good boy and a very good runner.

15. I like his show-and-tell and he shares his toys.

16. I like him.

17. He plays with me and runs with me.

18. He is special and creative.

19. He plays with me nicely.

20. He’s a good Star of the Week.

21. He’s my best friend.

Each child also drew a picture to go along with their compliment that was bound into a book for my son to keep forever. He’s already looked at the book several times and made comments on all the pictures.

In other words… He loved it!

Now you may not want to trace someone, or draw them a picture, but can you spare a compliment for someone you encounter today? It just might make their Monday.

“Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24

1 comment:

  1. That is a fantastic idea, what a great way to build up a child's self esteem!


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