Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rummage Sale

“I put on righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban.” Job 29:14

Come with me on a walk down memory lane to a place known as the Fellowship Hall, where each Summer the Ruth Guild would hold their annual Rummage Sale. Rummage Sale was right! First people rummaged through their own things to see what could be cast off. Then the organizers of the sale would rummage through the items to put them in order, or see what they might want of the cast offs. Then the public would come rummage, again and again. Rummage Sale, for sure.

As I said in my last post, the youth of our church held a Rummage Sale today as a fundraiser for the National Youth Gathering. They called it a Garage Sale, but from my professional opinion, it was definitely a Rummage Sale. And I should know! For years, I was dragged along with my Nanna to the church to help with the set up, take down, sales, etc. of the annual Rummage Sale. She was one of those ladies who was at the church every time the door was open and helped with every event. I was with Nanna most of the time, so I “helped” too.

Bertha, Wilma, Monetta, Ann, Lilian, Loraine, Ella Ann, Ruth, Margaret, and my Nanna, Irene. All these ladies were more like surrogate grandmothers to me growing up, and all were involved in the rummaging, if memory serves me right. Back then, the prized items for me were toys and costume jewelry that I would try on and play with while the ladies set things up. I remember a few of them trying on some of the clothes over their own clothes, or taking them to the bathroom for an official fitting. Back then, the strange items were leisure suits, psychedelic polyester shirts, and go-go boots that had been in peoples’ closets for decades before seeing light of day at the rummage sale.

Fast forward to Friday - I had donated three trash bags of toys, puzzles and stuffed animals from the children with the mutual understanding that we would return for the sale and let them pick out a few new treasures. Friday evening was setup, and I figured if I helped, then I would be privy to any exclusive pre-sale items. My five-year-old quickly found his stuffed animals and had donator’s remorse, but I was able to distract him with a new stuffed horse from Build-A-Bear. One dollar. What a bargain! Then we found a Leapster, a Don’t Break the Ice game, and a stuffed dragon. They were set!

I started helping unload the donated clothing out of black trash bags. This time around, it appeared the ‘80s had been resurrected since we found several instances of large print shirts with shoulder pads. Then, one of the teenagers reportedly found some kind of ballet pants. I had to educate her as to what stirrup pants were (not that I ever wore them, of course). We put them with the shoulder pad shirts so they could be reunited. Maybe someone found a complete outfit!

Then, it happened - I reached into a sack of clothes and found what should be the understood non-donate-able item. UNDERWEAR! Who donates old underwear to the church garage sale?? I need names. I had to touch them. Old underwear. One stretch away from a blowout underwear. Not good!

Anyway, we all had a great time setting up for the Garage Sale on Friday night. I may or may not have tried on a gray wig and pink housecoat, and there may or may not be pictures. We laughed, we cried, and all-in-all I only ended up taking home one trash bag full of stuff, so it was a net gain!

Check and see if your church has an upcoming Rummage/Garage Sale that you can donate some of your stuff to. Know that your stuff will provide the basis for some good fellowship between numerous members of your congregation. Yes, some of it may be at the expense of your stuff, but it will be good fun nonetheless.

And remember, UNderwear is UN-donate-able, or at least it is if I’m working your sale!

“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.” Psalm 126:2


  1. One of those "surrogate grandmothers" was MY Mom, and she liked you a lot! It does "take a village." Maybe kids nowadays would benefit
    if adults, other than their parents, took the
    time to offer guidance and encouragement...

  2. I totally loved your Nana, and now I am Nana to two great grandkids. You were such a joy to her.

  3. Boy did that bring back some memories! Connie


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