Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Frying Eggs

"...The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day."  Joshua 4:13

It is no secret that it has been HOT here for several weeks.  The newsman was so excited that today we quite possibly had a chance to break the all-time hottest ever record in the state of Oklahoma of 115 degrees.  I think we may have hit 111 or 112 officially, so there goes the record, but nevertheless it was one HOT day. 

And so, lacking anything else truly exciting to do, I decided to try to fry an egg outside. 

One of my friends on Facebook tried it yesterday when it was 112 on brand new asphalt and got nothing, so I was thinking I had to change my strategy rather than try it on the bare sidewalk.  My best idea was pre-heating...

Notice:  black, non-stick, all metal.  I'm no dummy.  I know what gets hot.  I've also strategically placed it on the roof of my well house, tipped toward the sun.  I left it for 30 minutes to pre-heat. 

Then I took the kids out to witness what I was sure would be an ever so spectacular example of just how hot it truly was.

I had the egg.

I had a potholder so my delicate fingers wouldn't be burned by what appeared to be quite the red-hot pan.

I took my pre-heated pan over to a patch of concrete that is fairly level and would have more exposure to the rest of the afternoon sun. 

I cracked the egg.

Poured it into the pan. 



Not the fabulous egg frying experience the kids and I were hoping for! 

Maybe it takes time, I thought.

Maybe I should leave it out here in the sun for a little longer.

So I put it back on the concrete and decided to check on it later.  Then I went back to my friend the air conditioner and read myself into a nap. 

On my way out to pick up pizza, (it's too hot to cook, you know) I remembered to check on the egg. 

And guess what?

The neighbor dog had eaten it! 

But in all fairness, it does not appear to have shown any signs of cooking before it was consumed. 

I guess the old cliche is false.  It is NOT hot enough to fry an egg. 

I guess I'll quit complaining now. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm not gonna stop complaining. I'm going from this right into the freezing cold of winter!


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