Friday, February 18, 2011

Okay, I Got It

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13

So there I was in the drop-off lane this morning, behind a silver-haired lady who thought it was necessary for her to get out of the driver’s seat to unload her kindergartener from her vehicle.

Everyone knows the driver exiting the car is a NO NO in the drop-off lane.

I was feeling quite proud that my kindergartener was able to get himself and his backpack out of the backseat, and even came back to reshut the door when it didn’t latch good the first time he slammed it.

But I still had to wait for lady in front of me to get back in her car and pull away. There is no backing up in the pickup lane at 8:25 am.

And I was a little put out.

Then I went to the grocery store.

As I was checking out, I decided I didn’t want a package of hummus I’d found in the deli because I found a cheaper version elsewhere in the store. I had a giant vase of roses that were $30 off from their Valentine’s Day price four days ago (talk about depreciation!) that I was trying to wrestle along with my groceries. Then my frozen green beans had a hole in the end and the cashier had to send one of the sacker guys to get me a new bag.

In other words, I was one of those people you don’t want to be behind at the store.

Then I looked behind me.

There she was: the same lady who I had to wait on in the kindergarten drop-off lane. She was bearing with me.

I thought we were surely even now.

Then I left the store, got my groceries loaded in the trunk, propped the flowers up in the car seat, took my basket back to the front of the store, and pulled forward out of my parking spot.

Here she came pushing her grocery basket, just in time that it would appear that I was trying to run her over if I had punched it, but just slow enough that I had to wait... on... her... again.

And then the above verse popped into my head.

And I tried to be patient.

Here we were, two strangers bearing with one another, waiting for each of us to handle kids, groceries, and unruly green beans.

Maybe next time I’ll introduce myself.

Maybe she didn’t even notice me.

Maybe next time I’ll be more patient.

Maybe somebody was trying to tell me something.

Maybe I got it this time.


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